Another Urban X event is dun and dusted and again we were blessed with some awesome weather on the day. Mostly sunny and about 15 degrees, fantastic weather for this time of year. All week we had gloomy, cloudy and rainy conditions with a good soaking over night on Friday. They XC Descent track relayed these conditions with a mud fest which made for some very interesting racing to say the least. Multiple crashes, loads of banter....what more do you want on a Saturday morning at a mates race.
Racing started at our usual time of 10.00am and 40 riders, which to my delight included three female riders showed up to take on the track. This time around there were no seeding runs, just two race runs, quickest time to be recorded.
I would like to thank all the riders, plus the team and club riders who attended: Team Camus and the Sheffield Uni crew, The Crank House, All the gear but no idea, The Leeds contingent, Urban Extremist UK and the Steve Peat Syndicate.