A grass roots organization dedicated to bring mini downhill "MATES RACES" to the masses and to make mountain biking fun.
Monday, 30 December 2013
Sorry that it took me so long to update the blog, I have been very busy and also very tired....had a lot on. Anyway, first off I would like to thank everyone who turned up on Remembrance Sunday and raced for a good cause, awesome turn out as always and the weather was kind to us. So sorry that you guys and gals only got to do one run but I hope everyone understood due to the circumstances. Simon's crash was more serious that we thought at the time. After a up-date from the hospital I found out that the "Big Dawg" had smashed his Fe ma to bits, had bits of loose bone floating around in his knee and he had a open fracture where the bone had punctured the skin....came close to loosing the whole leg. The surgery went well so lets all say a prayer for a speedy recovery into the new year.
On a positive note we did end up raising £210 from entry fees, £127 from the raffle plus the £200 cash match I will get from work for a grand total raised of £537....not bad going for a bunch of like minded people having a few timed runs down a track. Special thanks to all the marshels on the day who helped out and to the sponsors who kindly donated prises, Avit Dirt, Over-ride, Cycle Supreme, Wide Open Downhill, Cycopath, Blurb Clothing, Gravity Mafia Clothing, SetUp Clothing.
Team Cycopath
rider Lorna Hobbs misses top spot due to arguing with a rock!!
Help The Heroes Race, Wharncliffe Woods, Sunday 10th November 2013
Organised by Urban X, Photo credits to Dave Clarkson
Lorna Hobbs
Team Cycopath
For what may be the final race of the 2013 season we were back in Wharncliffe, this time racing on Fast Track. Being only a few weeks after the last Urban X event there was less time to practise on this track but nevertheless we managed a few trips to see what this track had lined up for us (by we I mean me and my Cycopath team mate / mechanic / coach / fiancé Gary Robinson!)
Fast Track starts with a fairly steep and rough drop in but, after a few runs down you soon learn that brakes are unnecessary and you need all the speed this drop in gives you. From here the track snakes left and right over fairly flat ground with rocks being the main feature. Keeping momentum and speed is the key, especially on the second corner which takes you over a rock garden which is rollable but could catch you if you did not have enough momentum to get onto the downslope. A few rocky berms follow before a section over a few large boulders where I found the main challenge to be pedalling to keep my speed up whilst avoiding catching pedals on the rocks. After a very small (and very slippy!) piece of north shore there is a rocky double. A number of the guys seemed to manage to carry enough speed to jump this but I personally was focusing on having the speed to roll it! A nice up and over rock garden (again, very rollable with enough speed) completes the rocky top section although in the event this feature was taped out for the race. We practised it just in case but I’m pleased they didn’t include it as it really took your speed away! From here it’s on the pedals into the single track middle section.
The Saturday before race day saw a hail storm and significant rain so this single track section, whilst being very simple, turned into a bit of a challenge as keeping grip became very difficult . The single track leads into the wooded bottom section which takes you over a few rock features (are you sensing a theme yet?!) and then into a nice little roll in (with optional drop) to two very tight switchback corners. Once through the corners it is over a large boulder and then a cute little kicker before the final sprint through the woods and onto the fire road finish.
Overall, this track was more about maintaining speed and momentum and getting enough pedals down to get a good time in. We did some timed practice runs to compare to last year’s times so we had an idea where we were in the standings and we felt pretty good going into the race.
Race day arrived and, thankfully, it was a beautiful sunny day, albeit bitterly cold. A flask of tea became a rucksack essential along with lots of thermal base layers! Gary and I arrived at the track around 9.30 to get some practice runs in and the track was running similar to the day before with a very slippy middle section and a few puddles but overall it was riding well. We let a few other riders head down before us to clear the puddles out a little although I was still covered in mud from head to toe after just one run so not sure that theory worked.
A good crowd developed over the next hour or so and the track started to get really well worn in with lines starting to show through the leaves and mud.
At 11.50 we observed a one minute silence to remember the troops and those who gave their life for their country. The poppies on our race boards added a sense of occasion to this race and reminded us that it is all for a good cause.
There were 3 lovely ladies in this event – Cath Tilford, Claire McCallum and me and, as usual, the mood at the start line was one of support, camaraderie and fun. I was second to go and my run started well; I managed to hit the lines I wanted through the rocks and got plenty of pedals in when I could. In the middle single track section it all went a bit wrong when my front wheel started to drift – nothing that hadn’t happened in practice – but this time, instead of managing to bring it back on line, my wheel encountered a big rock and I ended up being thrown to the side of the track into a ditch with my bike on top of me. Not ideal, especially with no-one around to help me up! The race adrenaline helped me get back up but I knew my race run was lost at that point. It was difficult to get back up to pace from a standing start so the rest of the single track was a bit of a nightmare. I was back in the swing of it when I hit the woods and the rest of the run went without a hitch but the off cost me and I ended up with a time of 2.57. Cathhad a great run at 2.16 and Claire did fantastically considering she was riding the track blind (no track walk or practice run!) and finished in 2.49.
This is the first race where I have had an off so I was very annoyed at myself and really focused on improving on my second run.
Cath and I had a steady push up – discussing the 2014 race season along the way – and, as we approached the top it was clear something was not right. A rider was laying at the side of the track and was screaming in pain. It soon became apparent he had lost the bike on a root and his knee had encountered a rock . An ambulance was called as the injury seemed very serious. The rider and the group looking after him were just off the track so racing continued. Gary was the next rider down the track and, unfortunately, taking a left line into the first corner to avoid the group caused his line into the berm to be less than ideal and he lost some time but, in the circumstances there was nothing that could be done to avoid this as the rider was in extreme pain and not in a position to be moved.
At this point, someone was needed to go and meet the ambulance and guide them to the track as it is not exactly close to the main road. Having already done our runs, Cath and I set off to meet them. The next 45 minutes was a bit of a mission so I shan’t go into the details but suffice to say it involved a lot of locked gates, encounters with the “locals”, hiking and carrying of equipment. The ambulances finally made it to the race track (all 3 of them) and there were 8 paramedics on site dealing with the injured rider.
It was apparent at this point that the injury was very serious and there would not be enough daylight for second runs. I’ll confess that I was disappointed as my first run was a write off but, given the situation, it was a decision that was absolutely supported by everyone. Hearing the screams of pain from down the track made us all appreciative to be in one piece. The great sense of community that exists in our chosen sport was shown when the paramedics called for help in lifting the stretcher – I think there were around 6 or 8 riders all helping to get the rider into the ambulance.
After the ambulance had departed there was just one rider who needed to do a run – Dave Camus – as he had been doing a great job of running the timing solution so we waited to cheer him on. Once he had gone down we made our way to the top car park to get out of our muddy clothes and have a much needed brew.
The prize giving and raffle were fantastic – considering that this is a mates race the prizes are amazing and reflect the time and effort put into this by the organisers.
For the women’s category, Cath took a very well deserved top step position, Claire was second and I was third. Gary was 2 seconds off the third place in Masters so was also a bit disappointed with his time but we both had a good day and enjoyed the company and couldn’t help but feel fortunate to be going home safe and sound.
Not the best note to end the 2013 season but training for 2014 starts now so we’re looking forward to a really exciting season for Team Cycopath.
Thanks to Trev (Urban X) , the team and the sponsors for another great event and a huge amount of healing vibes to Simon Croft.
Help The Heroes Race, Wharncliffe Woods, Sunday 10th November 2013
Organised by Urban X, Photo credits to Dave Clarkson
Lorna Hobbs
Team Cycopath
For what may be the final race of the 2013 season we were back in Wharncliffe, this time racing on Fast Track. Being only a few weeks after the last Urban X event there was less time to practise on this track but nevertheless we managed a few trips to see what this track had lined up for us (by we I mean me and my Cycopath team mate / mechanic / coach / fiancé Gary Robinson!)
Fast Track starts with a fairly steep and rough drop in but, after a few runs down you soon learn that brakes are unnecessary and you need all the speed this drop in gives you. From here the track snakes left and right over fairly flat ground with rocks being the main feature. Keeping momentum and speed is the key, especially on the second corner which takes you over a rock garden which is rollable but could catch you if you did not have enough momentum to get onto the downslope. A few rocky berms follow before a section over a few large boulders where I found the main challenge to be pedalling to keep my speed up whilst avoiding catching pedals on the rocks. After a very small (and very slippy!) piece of north shore there is a rocky double. A number of the guys seemed to manage to carry enough speed to jump this but I personally was focusing on having the speed to roll it! A nice up and over rock garden (again, very rollable with enough speed) completes the rocky top section although in the event this feature was taped out for the race. We practised it just in case but I’m pleased they didn’t include it as it really took your speed away! From here it’s on the pedals into the single track middle section.
The Saturday before race day saw a hail storm and significant rain so this single track section, whilst being very simple, turned into a bit of a challenge as keeping grip became very difficult . The single track leads into the wooded bottom section which takes you over a few rock features (are you sensing a theme yet?!) and then into a nice little roll in (with optional drop) to two very tight switchback corners. Once through the corners it is over a large boulder and then a cute little kicker before the final sprint through the woods and onto the fire road finish.
Overall, this track was more about maintaining speed and momentum and getting enough pedals down to get a good time in. We did some timed practice runs to compare to last year’s times so we had an idea where we were in the standings and we felt pretty good going into the race.
Race day arrived and, thankfully, it was a beautiful sunny day, albeit bitterly cold. A flask of tea became a rucksack essential along with lots of thermal base layers! Gary and I arrived at the track around 9.30 to get some practice runs in and the track was running similar to the day before with a very slippy middle section and a few puddles but overall it was riding well. We let a few other riders head down before us to clear the puddles out a little although I was still covered in mud from head to toe after just one run so not sure that theory worked.
A good crowd developed over the next hour or so and the track started to get really well worn in with lines starting to show through the leaves and mud.
At 11.50 we observed a one minute silence to remember the troops and those who gave their life for their country. The poppies on our race boards added a sense of occasion to this race and reminded us that it is all for a good cause.
There were 3 lovely ladies in this event – Cath Tilford, Claire McCallum and me and, as usual, the mood at the start line was one of support, camaraderie and fun. I was second to go and my run started well; I managed to hit the lines I wanted through the rocks and got plenty of pedals in when I could. In the middle single track section it all went a bit wrong when my front wheel started to drift – nothing that hadn’t happened in practice – but this time, instead of managing to bring it back on line, my wheel encountered a big rock and I ended up being thrown to the side of the track into a ditch with my bike on top of me. Not ideal, especially with no-one around to help me up! The race adrenaline helped me get back up but I knew my race run was lost at that point. It was difficult to get back up to pace from a standing start so the rest of the single track was a bit of a nightmare. I was back in the swing of it when I hit the woods and the rest of the run went without a hitch but the off cost me and I ended up with a time of 2.57. Cathhad a great run at 2.16 and Claire did fantastically considering she was riding the track blind (no track walk or practice run!) and finished in 2.49.
This is the first race where I have had an off so I was very annoyed at myself and really focused on improving on my second run.
Cath and I had a steady push up – discussing the 2014 race season along the way – and, as we approached the top it was clear something was not right. A rider was laying at the side of the track and was screaming in pain. It soon became apparent he had lost the bike on a root and his knee had encountered a rock . An ambulance was called as the injury seemed very serious. The rider and the group looking after him were just off the track so racing continued. Gary was the next rider down the track and, unfortunately, taking a left line into the first corner to avoid the group caused his line into the berm to be less than ideal and he lost some time but, in the circumstances there was nothing that could be done to avoid this as the rider was in extreme pain and not in a position to be moved.
At this point, someone was needed to go and meet the ambulance and guide them to the track as it is not exactly close to the main road. Having already done our runs, Cath and I set off to meet them. The next 45 minutes was a bit of a mission so I shan’t go into the details but suffice to say it involved a lot of locked gates, encounters with the “locals”, hiking and carrying of equipment. The ambulances finally made it to the race track (all 3 of them) and there were 8 paramedics on site dealing with the injured rider.
It was apparent at this point that the injury was very serious and there would not be enough daylight for second runs. I’ll confess that I was disappointed as my first run was a write off but, given the situation, it was a decision that was absolutely supported by everyone. Hearing the screams of pain from down the track made us all appreciative to be in one piece. The great sense of community that exists in our chosen sport was shown when the paramedics called for help in lifting the stretcher – I think there were around 6 or 8 riders all helping to get the rider into the ambulance.
After the ambulance had departed there was just one rider who needed to do a run – Dave Camus – as he had been doing a great job of running the timing solution so we waited to cheer him on. Once he had gone down we made our way to the top car park to get out of our muddy clothes and have a much needed brew.
The prize giving and raffle were fantastic – considering that this is a mates race the prizes are amazing and reflect the time and effort put into this by the organisers.
For the women’s category, Cath took a very well deserved top step position, Claire was second and I was third. Gary was 2 seconds off the third place in Masters so was also a bit disappointed with his time but we both had a good day and enjoyed the company and couldn’t help but feel fortunate to be going home safe and sound.
Not the best note to end the 2013 season but training for 2014 starts now so we’re looking forward to a really exciting season for Team Cycopath.
Thanks to Trev (Urban X) , the team and the sponsors for another great event and a huge amount of healing vibes to Simon Croft.
5-4-3-2-1-go I watched
as "Big Dawg"
set off for his first run, slipping and sliding down the rock shoot drop in on the
Fast Track. I saw when he wet down as well, from my point of view it look like
his front end washed out....didn't look serious at all, so the normal shouts of
"are you all right pal" went out....after a few seconds a loud scream of "No" bellowed
out. I ran down with a few others to see what was happening. Simon was in tremendous pain and still on the race course,
we asked him if he could move because races were still coming down at 1 minute
intervals and just squeezing by inches from his injured leg. We
still didn't think it was that serious until we tried to move him and boy did he
scream. At that point the racing was stopped and our first aider Steve Johnson
was straight on the phone to the emergency services.
After talking to them
it was apparent that someone had to meet the ambulance and guide them to the crash
site so Cath Tilford and Lorna Hobbs volunteered and also helped with carying down heavy and life saving
equipment. After minutes seeming like hours and
hours seeming like days the ambulances finally show up, all three of them with
what I could only describe as a army of paramedics, at least
eight of them. He was wearing full body armour and knee pads which they had to cut off him, thank
god he was wearing them because with the amount of damage that was caused I hate
to wonder what his condition would have been like if he wasn't wearing any at
all. When it was time to lift the stretcher it was like a call to arms and
everyone rushed down to help carry him and the equipment.....was a awesome sight
to see.
#09 Cath Tilford 00:02:16 1st place, 29th overall
#02 Claire McCallum 00:02:49 2nd place, 36th overall
#03 Lorna Hobbs 00:02:57 3rd place, 37th overall
JUNIOR 14-16:
#14 Adam Dawson 00:01:49 1st place, 8th overall
#12 Harry Patrick 00:01:50 2nd place, 9th overall
#05 Jake Monk 00:02:06 3rd place, 25th overall
#11 Tom Grice 00:02:10 4th place, 27th overall
#13 Charlie Dunn 00:02:48 5th place, 35th overall
#04 Oscor Monk 00:30:00 DNF, 38th overall
#23 Paul Birtle 00:01:40 1st place, 2nd overall
#24 Craig Bargery 00:01:52 2nd place, 13th overall
#21 Ben Tilford 00:01:57 3rd place, 15th overall
#40 James Wood 00:01:57 3rd place, 15th overall
#29 Dean Cosby 00:01:58 5th place, 17th overall
#18 Michael Brennan 00:01:59 6th place, 18th overall
#33 Gary Robinson 00:01:59 6th place, 18th overall
#26 Christof Raschbauer 00:02:00 8th place, 20th overall
#30 Steve Rout 00:02:03 9th place, 22nd overall
#36 Malc Dunn 00:02:09 10th place, 26th overall
#19 David Guest 00:02:10 11th place, 27th overall
# 22 Rob Gibb 00:02:27 12th place, 32nd overall
#37 James Booth 00: 02:28 13th place, 33rd overall
#27 Simon Croft 00:30:00 DNF, 38th overall
SENIOR 17-29
#53 Craig Evans 00:01:34 1st place, 1st overall
#54 Dave Camus 00:01:43 2nd place, 3rd overall
#42 Danny Whittington 00:01:45 3rd place, 4th overall
#16 Andrew Wright 00:01:48 4th place, 5th overall
#56 Gareth Jones 00: 01:48 4th place, 5th overall
#48 Luke Andrews 00:01:48 4th place, 5th overall
#45 Luke Croft 00:01:50 7th place, 9th overall
#50 Danny Whitehead 00:01:50 7th place, 9th overall
#44 Steve Dawson 00:01:51 9th place, 12th overall
#41 Marco Wood Bonelli 00:01:54 10th place, 14th overall
#47 Richard Butterfield 00:02:02 11th place, 21st overall
#52 Andrew Murphy 00:02:03 12th place, 22nd overall
#58 Sam Gillot 00:02:05 13th place, 24th overall
#43 Murray Kemp 00:02:18 14th place, 30th overall
#46 Tom Haslam 00:02:23 15th place, 31st overall
#51 Ryan Dunn 00:02:33 16th place, 34th overall
#09 Cath Tilford 00:02:16 1st place, 29th overall
#02 Claire McCallum 00:02:49 2nd place, 36th overall
#03 Lorna Hobbs 00:02:57 3rd place, 37th overall
JUNIOR 14-16:
#14 Adam Dawson 00:01:49 1st place, 8th overall
#12 Harry Patrick 00:01:50 2nd place, 9th overall
#05 Jake Monk 00:02:06 3rd place, 25th overall
#11 Tom Grice 00:02:10 4th place, 27th overall
#13 Charlie Dunn 00:02:48 5th place, 35th overall
#04 Oscor Monk 00:30:00 DNF, 38th overall
#23 Paul Birtle 00:01:40 1st place, 2nd overall
#24 Craig Bargery 00:01:52 2nd place, 13th overall
#21 Ben Tilford 00:01:57 3rd place, 15th overall
#40 James Wood 00:01:57 3rd place, 15th overall
#29 Dean Cosby 00:01:58 5th place, 17th overall
#18 Michael Brennan 00:01:59 6th place, 18th overall
#33 Gary Robinson 00:01:59 6th place, 18th overall
#26 Christof Raschbauer 00:02:00 8th place, 20th overall
#30 Steve Rout 00:02:03 9th place, 22nd overall
#36 Malc Dunn 00:02:09 10th place, 26th overall
#19 David Guest 00:02:10 11th place, 27th overall
# 22 Rob Gibb 00:02:27 12th place, 32nd overall
#37 James Booth 00: 02:28 13th place, 33rd overall
#27 Simon Croft 00:30:00 DNF, 38th overall
SENIOR 17-29
#53 Craig Evans 00:01:34 1st place, 1st overall
#54 Dave Camus 00:01:43 2nd place, 3rd overall
#42 Danny Whittington 00:01:45 3rd place, 4th overall
#16 Andrew Wright 00:01:48 4th place, 5th overall
#56 Gareth Jones 00: 01:48 4th place, 5th overall
#48 Luke Andrews 00:01:48 4th place, 5th overall
#45 Luke Croft 00:01:50 7th place, 9th overall
#50 Danny Whitehead 00:01:50 7th place, 9th overall
#44 Steve Dawson 00:01:51 9th place, 12th overall
#41 Marco Wood Bonelli 00:01:54 10th place, 14th overall
#47 Richard Butterfield 00:02:02 11th place, 21st overall
#52 Andrew Murphy 00:02:03 12th place, 22nd overall
#58 Sam Gillot 00:02:05 13th place, 24th overall
#43 Murray Kemp 00:02:18 14th place, 30th overall
#46 Tom Haslam 00:02:23 15th place, 31st overall
#51 Ryan Dunn 00:02:33 16th place, 34th overall
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WOMEN OPEN: 1st place Cath Tilford |
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2nd place Clair McCullum |
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3rd place Lorna Hobbs |
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JUNIOR 14-16: 1st place Adam Dawson |
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2nd place Harry Patrick |
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3rd place Jake Monk |
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MASTERS 30 +: 1st place Paul Birtle |
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2nd place Craig Bargery |
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3rd place Ben Tilford & James Wood |
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SENIORS 17-29: 1st place Craig Evens |
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2nd place Dave Camus |
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3rd Danny Whittington |
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
The first ever Yorkshire Local Teams Championships was a stressful affair to say the least. With last minute rider changers, starting the event late waiting around for team riders who never showed and teams having to drop out at the minute I was starting to wounder if this was a good idea. With a massive storm looming in the back ground 8 teams out of the 11 registered battled it out for the title.
I wanted to try something different and fresh so with that in mind the format was simple....a team of 5 riders, 4 male and 1 female, two race runs added together then added to your team mates time to get a total team time. There were a few timing issues and "I must apologise for that" but we struggled through and Team Cycopath (A) came out on top as Yorkshire Local DH Team Champs for 2013, closely followed by Team Avit Dirt/Rockerline in second and Team Over-ride in third.
I would like to thank all the other teams for taking part: Team Sheffield Uni, Team Cycopath (B), Team Cycle Supreme, Team Muttly Crew and Team WFO. A special thanks to all the girls who rode for the teams, you all were amazing. To the spectators who were load and cheered all the riders on. Steve and Denise for the time keeping and Dave Clarkson for all the amazing pictures.
Write up by Yorkshire Local DH Team Champs (Mates Race) rider Lorna Hobbs
The format of this race was different to most races in a number of ways:...
• One day event with no planned practice
• Racing as a team with cumulative times
• Both runs count towards the time
• Each team had to have one female rider
Luckily Wharncliffe is fairly local for us so we had plenty of opportunity to practice the chosen line – Nemba – in the weeks leading up to the race.
When I first walked the track I thought it was fairly straightforward with 3 technical bits – a rocky gully on the first right hander, an “up and over” rock garden and a narrow, rooty drop before the fire road. I’m a fairly confident technical rider so I knew I needed to master these 3 sections and I’d be happy on the track. We took each one in turn and sessioned it until I could manage to clear it multiple times.
The first corner was mainly about line choice on the way in as there were are a few very slippy roots but, once I knew my line, it was off the brakes, weight back and the rocky gully was no problem. Next it was on to the “up and over” rock garden. Not too tricky in itself but speed was the key. It took a good few goes to understand how fast I needed to hit this to maintain momentum to get over the rocks and onto the down slope. It also took some time to have confidence to let off my brakes but this was key to nailing this feature. A slight left turn onto the down slope to avoid a tree completed the skills needed for this one and it was onto the steeper bit……
A slightly steeper section of track lead into a narrow, off camber, rooty gully which, as its main feature, has a drop over some roots. There is a tree to the left waiting to catch your peddle (and throw you down the steep drop!) and a banking and tree straight ahead should you fail to turn slightly to the left over the drop. All in all, a little bit tricky! I had a very frustrating time on this one and was feeling a bit worried about it but I left it alone and focused on the rest of the trail. The next time we went to practice I rode this section clean and that was that for me – something clicked and I was riding the whole trail clean!
Our last practice was the day before the race and, as usual, the trail was very wet but it’s down to bedrock and holds up pretty well. A few minor dabs and slips but overall I left feeling really comfortable with the track and hoping for 2 clean runs!
Race day came and it was an early start all round – thank goodness for the extra hour due to the clocks going back! Fortunately the terrible rain that had been threatened was keeping at bay as well although we all had our waterproofs just in case! The team all met in the main car park and headed down to the tracks. It was still fairly quiet so we had time for a few practice runs – essential for me as the first run is always a wobbly one until I’m loosened up on the bike. As we were signing in we saw a familiar face chatting to the organiser Trev – it was only Steve Peat! Great for a legend of the sport and the area to come and show support for a local race. Team Cycopath rider Dan couldn’t resist the temptation and, when Peaty headed down the trail, Dan was hot on his tail!
Two clean practice runs set me up for the day and the wait for the start began. Racing did not start as planned due to a few late comers but the girls were off first so at least once we did get going I was off fairly quickly. There were a few crashes and tumbles on the first section of the track which heightened the nerves for the rest of the girls waiting at the top. As one of the last to go down the hill I tried not to let it put me off. Once I got to the start line and got the countdown I could see the crowd – all the rest of the riders were around the first section and it was the biggest crowd I’ve raced in front of – my mind was saying one thing: “best not mess this up girl!” I dropped into my first race run and immediately forgot the crowd – the trail was the only thing on my mind! Team Cycopath were very loud in their support which spurred me on through the first corner and onto the rock garden. It all seemed to be coming together and I kept calm for the trickiest feature – the rooty drop. I got my braking just right and got over this feature with no problems and more cheers of support from our team photographer for the day Jenny Jozza. Once I was over the fire road I knew I was able to get a clean run in so I kept my speed and headed for the finish line. Clean run one: DONE.
The slow push up was made a lot more bearable thanks to the fantastic camaraderie that always exists when girls race together. Gill Dando (a fellow pink bike rider) and I chatted our way to the top of the push up trail and I was overwhelmed by the high fives and congratulations on my riding that awaited me when I met the rest of the Team.
I settled in to watch the rest of the field and the two Cycopath teams on their runs. A fab atmosphere really helped make this event as all riders were watching and cheering when not riding.
Before long it was time for second runs. The countdown began and it was time to drop in again and face that crowd. I was slightly slower on the first section that I would have liked but I put in a few peddles before the rock garden and was back on track. I also tried to get a few peddles in on the bottom section and, before I knew it, the end was in sight! Clean run two: DONE. The elation was overwhelming – knowing it was cumulative times really put the pressure on and I’d done it. All I wanted was two clean runs so all that practice had paid off.
I headed back up the hill (again with the company of Gill) to re-join the team and cheer the boys on.
All the Cycopath riders looked great and confidence was pretty high! After riding finished we headed up to the top car park for the presentation. Receiving compliments on my riding whilst making our way back certainly made for a pretty awesome feeling.
After waiting for the sums to be done it was time to hear the results. Unlike a lot of events no-one had any visibility of the times which made this part of the day very exciting. Trev announced the team in 5th place, 4th place, 3rd place, 2nd place…..still no mention of our team. We all held our breath until he said it – first place is Team Cycopath A Team! A huge cheer (mainly from us!) and up we went to collect the trophies and medals. The cherry on top of the victory was Trev’s confirmation that I was the fastest girl of the day – a brilliant feeling.
Huge thanks for Trev and the team for organising the event. Massive congratulations to all the Team Cycopath riders – everyone put in a stunning effort and a particular thanks for Ben and Chris who each subbed for a rider in the other team (due to injuries) and smashed 4 runs each!
I personally really liked the format of this event as it made for an amazing team atmosphere and, whilst the pressure weighed on me, it made me so determined to do well.
Here’s to Team Cycopath – Yorkshire Champs!!
Monday, 28 October 2013
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